Policies - Play World Child Care
The purpose of this child care center is to insure the physical, mental and emotional well-being of children who are ready for group care. Children of working parents and other children who are in need of experience in a group situation are accepted. Our program is planned to provide children with an opportunity to learn to live with others, become acquainted with the world around them, experiment with a variety of materials & equipment and establish sound habits and attitudes, which will help insure satisfactory adjustments in the growing process. The following policies are set forth for the benefit of each child enrolled.
- Enrollment Procedure. Parents wishing to enroll their child should visit the center and receive an enrollment package. All forms must be completed prior to the child’s first day of attendance. You will be expected to notify the center one week in advance of your child being withdrawn. This plan will give the center time to help prepare the child for the change and it will also enable us to accommodate another child who may be in need of care.
- Hours Of Operation. The center will be open Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Exception to this schedule will be for six holidays at which time the center will be closed (New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day).
- Ages And Classes Available. The child must be six weeks old to be accepted in the infant program. Toddler and preschool classes are also arranged for older children. Before and after school care is available for children up to age twelve.
- Delivery And Pick Up. The parent must see that the child is safely inside the building before leaving him/her in the morning and must come in for him/her in the afternoon. Parents are to sign the child in/out each time using the child’s full name along with the complete signature of the person who is with the child.
- Medical Information. Health certificates with a physician’s signature must be presented before enrollment. A “certificate of immunization” is required from the health department or family physician for children who are under age six and not enrolled in public school
- Sickness And Medication. When a child has any contagious symptom (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.) the parent will be called and asked to make immediate arrangements to pick the child up from the center. For re-admission the child must be free of fever for 24 hours or have a statement from a physician stating the child is not contagious and can be around other children. The school is not authorized to administer medication for children.
- Personal Items. Every child should keep one change of clothes at the center at all times. All clothes should be properly labeled with your child’s name on each item. Parents should remember to bring a different change of clothes as the seasons change. Parents of children not potty trained are asked to furnish diapers, wipes, etc. The center will furnish a morning and an afternoon snack plus lunch for children old enough to participate. These will be planned by a dietician and will follow the recommended guidelines of the appropriate regulating agencies. No toys should be brought to the center after your child has adjusted to being with us. Carefully selected toys are available to the children at the center. Special share days will be designated for the children to share their toys from home.
- Parent Conference. It is important that the parents and staff work closely together. The supervisors will be glad to arrange a conference with you at your request. Parents are welcome to visit the center any time during normal operating hours. You may contact the school’s director if you would like to talk with someone about your child’s progress or if you need to register a complaint about something related to your child’s enrollment with the center. The owners of the center are also available for consultation if the need arises. Parents may request a copy of the state manual entitled “Minimum Standards For Day Care Centers” by contacting the Department Of Human Resources office.
- Discipline Of Children. This center prohibits the use of any type of corporal punishment. When it is necessary for an employee to correct the behavior they will choose positive methods of discipline such as time out or withhold special privileges such as play time, field trips, etc.
- Emergency Action Plan. In the event of inclement weather a weather radio and local media sources are monitored by the center to provide current information plus tornado drills are conducted periodically. Our facility is equipped with a fire alarm system and regular fire drills are conducted. Medical emergencies will be handled according to the parent’s desires as stated on the “Emergency Medical” form.